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Table tool color conditioning lags and gives incorrect colors

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Alteryx community,


I have the following issue:

The table tool in my workflow is set to mark values on green/red if they are under /over threshold but as you can see from the print-screen, if the values for a specific raw change, the color conditioning lags and comes with 1 column delay, giving incorrect color for some of the columns. The conditioning is set up for Dynamic or Unknown Fields as new columns are being created for every single date. Do somebody know, what can be the reason? Could this be some kind of an alteryx bug?



I have two rules:




rule 2.JPG

17 - Castor

Hey @palio86, what order are your fields in in the bottom of your table configuration? If you move them so they're ordered as so:


1) Threshold

2) Dynamic or Unknown fields

3) All of the others


Does that remedy the issue?

6 - Meteoroid

Hi DataNath,


it works, but I have another one column "Category", which I want to show as first. When I move it on the first place, the color conditioning breaks down 





17 - Castor

@palio86 I'm struggling to replicate this myself. Even reverted the table settings back to standard (dynamic/unknown fields last) and it works. I'll attach my workflow example workflow settings and maybe you can work it out from that. If not, perhaps you can share yours? Even if you fill it with dummy data for the sake of testing.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

@palio86  @DataNath 
Good thing for me is that I learned how to dynamically change the color of cells, which I though was not possible.
Bad things that it somehow did not work properly as same observation of @DataNath .

The ABS or the <> seems not work entriely corretly.

See sample below and still trying to figure out why.


6 - Meteoroid


Unfortunatelly I cannot upload my workflow, due to my company's data risk policy.

I am creating my table, pivoting the data in the CrossTab tool. I think, table tool color conditioning might go crazy because of that




6 - Meteoroid

I resolved the color conditioning but still have an issue:


Visual layout tool or E-mail tool change the amount format from Right to Left alignment. Does somebody know, what could be the reason?



This is the format in the browser tool



and this is the format, when I recieve the mail:







17 - Castor

Seems like odd behaviour @palio86, especially if the browse tool is showing correctly and you're using the layout as the email body or attachment. Looks to have gotten a few people and I've noticed a couple of threads on the community without solutions unfortunately. One thing I did notice in the help documentation was this, which may be the cause in your case?




If nobody can offer a workaround then it may be worth raising with support -


6 - Meteoroid

fyi with the Layout tool it works properly



