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Table output is having weird data

8 - Asteroid



I have a workflow with multiple sub-flows, each separate output of which ultimately gets output as different tabs on a same excel workbook.


The render output is being used due to use of table tools.


Now atleast in 1 worksheet, there is issue with data flickering, like data isn't completely visible, only if I click on the cell I am able to see that the data is there or it pops up in the cell.


After clicking away, sometimes it remains as is, sometimes the data goes back from the display, or is only partially visible.

13 - Pulsar



Before version 2023.1, more than one tab in a worksheet can happen that the render tool can be defined by the smallest table and that table that is bigger is truncated the data or it can even happen that they are not visible. the way to test it is to increase the width of the worksheet in the render tool.
