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TMP files causing issue with making final write to excel output

5 - Atom

I have a workflow that is taking one large data input (from Excel) and then performing incentive calculations to end at: 1) a large output file in excel 2) individual scorecard files for each person that an incentive is being calculated for.


I am having no issue with the first output. The second set of outputs are being generated using a formula to create the folder location/file name/excel worksheet name. When I try to run the workflow when the output files already exist, I keep running into an issue where I am receiving the error "Unable to make final write to V:\......, error in use by another process". The error comes inconsistently at different files and sometimes I don't receive the error at all. It appears that when the TMP/BAK file is being created that is when my process is getting caught up. I am also writing to a network/shared drive.


Any help that anyone can provide is appreciated. I have tried to search the other forums/discussions and have not seen anyone else run into a similar issue.










17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @kesslerc1 


Did you try to use Parallel Block Until Done Macro?

It is contain in Crew macro.

In the complex situation, it will work more stably than Until Block Done.



Crew Macro download website

