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Sync Crew Block All Records via Action?

9 - Comet

My program logs converted records and compares them to future data imports to preserve changes and improve efficiency. I am using the Crew Block All Records Macro in several places to allow me to do a hard refresh on my stored data and restart fresh with the original data. This is a very complex routing involving several "Block All Records" tools in several different areas of the workflow. I really need to sync them to a single control at the beginning of the workflow. Is this possible with a modification to the action tool in the macro? I hope that this question makes sense... I am getting pretty proficient with the standard workflow tools in Alteryx, but I am still mostly modifying existing solutions with trial and error when it comes to macros and apps.

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



You could use a constant user.block that you would setup in the workflow configuration.  Set it to Block.  

within the macro you can use a formula for the action that reads the constant and causes all of these macros (custom) to block or not. 

pm me if you need more help. 




Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
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20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

Arrgh!!!! Macros can't use constants. 


Here's a way to get what you're after.... But remember SAMPLE 0 records is the BLOCK ALL way ....


Create a workflow constant and use it in a FILTER.






Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
Please Subscribe to my youTube channel.
9 - Comet

Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to do the helpful video walk through of the approach. You definitely went above and beyond!


Filter by Constant -  Sample 0 - Join looks like it will be a perfect simple solution for syncing record blocks. I will likely be using this approach to sync time period filters, and block exports / report creation / email automation as well. Thanks a ton!

9 - Comet

I wanted to add another cool and relatively simple trick that I started doing last night to sync macro settings in a few spots of a workbook. Basically you just duplicate the existing macro tools / actions / inputs / outputs, but not the interface tools (unless one needs its own separate control setting like a Field selection dropdown). Then tie the duplicate separate data path back to the same interface tools in the same connection order. I did this to create an always in sync Dual Date Filter Macro, which I will continue to customize for my own purposes. Just take the time to name your inputs and outputs clearly to simplify correct use in your workflow.


The same approach would have worked with the CrewBlockAllRecords Macro, but since I am using it across multiple areas the workflow routing is cleaner with Mark's approach.
