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Summarize multiple fields with intersection




I'd like to summarize my data by 5 different fields and add an element to each field "All" that contains the summarized data, which I have mostly done (sample workflow attached).  The issue I'm having is that the "All"s don't intersect.  For example,


Source Month Store Product Segment Device Payment Type Value 1 Value 2
sys 2016-02-01 Merchandise Basic Standard Mobile Credit 1 1


Gift Basic Standard Tablet Cash 1 1
sys 2016-02-01 All Basic Elite Tablet Cash 1 1
sys 2016-02-01 All Basic Standard Mobile Cash 2 2
sys 2016-02-01 Gift All Elite Tablet Cash 1 1
sys 2016-02-01 Gift All Elite Tablet Credit 1 1


This works fine if I only want to see "All" Store broken down by the various Products, Segments, etc.  But if I want to see "All" Store and "All" Product by Segment, Device and so on, it doesn't work since there is only one "All" per row (the "All"s don't intersect at the row level).  I'm not quite sure how to explain this more clearly, so my apologies for any confusion.  Thanks for the help.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I think what you want is summarising at 'all levels'


I created a workflow which uses a row generator to create 32 sets and then summarise the expanded set.


Could be sluggish on a large set though.




Thanks for your response.  That seems to work as needed, and is much simpler than what I was originally trying to do. 


I don't quite understand all of the steps you've taken, particularly how you determined 32 sets and the use of "BinaryAnd".  Would you mind explaining briefly?



ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I used a binary mask. You have five fields so I needed 2^5 ==> 32 numbers


Then looking at the binary representation of each number I create a mask:


If the first bit is 1 (i.e. BinaryAnd(x, 1) == 1) then set Field1 to 'All'

If the second bit is 1 (i.e. BinaryAnd(x, 2) == 2) then set Field2 to 'All'



This creates 32 masked sets of data (well 31 plus one with no masking).


Hope that makes some sense 


I knew I was going to feel dumb after asking about the 32 sets.  スマイリー ハッピー


Thanks for the explanation.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Not at all, a sneaky trick to create a set of masks
