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Subtracting from result in Multi-Formula, Same Column?

7 - Meteor

Alteryx Question.PNG

Hello Everyone,

I'm trying to duplicate column F in Alteryx.  The formula in the first row is (Amount - Finished) + Adds. In row 2 the formula is (Row 1 Amount B - Row 2 Finished)  + Row 2 Adds, then (Row 2 Amount B - Row 3 Finished) + Row 3 Adds... on so on.  Basically, I want to base the formula on the next row on the result from the previous row.  What would be the best way to accomplish this in Alteryx? 



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Step 1: Popped the input data into Excel to make this easier for others to work on this.

Step 2: in progress :-)


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Here you go - no multi-row needed


3 steps:

- create a single column that gives the overall movement on each row (finished - added)

- do a running total of this column to see overall change from the starting point

- finally use a formula on each row to subtract the running total from the amount


hopefully this solves your question - if so, would you mind marking this a solved?   If you still have questions, please post them on this thread (with any additional data) and we can close this out together.






7 - Meteor

Hi Sean,

I can't open the workflow. It looks like I'm on an earlier version of Alteryx. Can you type the formula that you used and the final result?

7 - Meteor

Hi Sean,

I can't open the workflow. It looks like I'm on an earlier version of Alteryx. Can you type the formula that you used and insert an image of the final result?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

:-) there's a simple hack to get around this -- just open up an alteryx file in Notepad++ and set the version number manually.   I've done this and attached the revised workflow to this thread.


Version Hack:

these are the first 2 lines of any alteryx workflow file - you can get round these version issues by changing the bold text below

an alteryx 11 flow:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<AlteryxDocument yxmdVer="11">



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<AlteryxDocument yxmdVer="9.5">

7 - Meteor

Thanks Sean! That worked
