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Stuck in R Non admin install screen during installation




I am upgrading to the latest version of Alteryx which includes Predictive tools. I am stuck in the R Non admin Install (screenshot attached) for a couple of hours now. Can anyone help?


Do I need to cancel it or just wait for sometime more? 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @rick007,


I don't think it will start working. Check if you don't have antivirus or firewall running. Maybe that is what is stopping you. 


Maybe you can try admin install?

If that is not the case I would suggest start once more and if it will not help contact your IT department. 

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @rick007 


Installation requires good internet to download the required packages.


Hope your internet is good and you are not connected to any VPN. Disable firewalls if possible.


Since nothing hasn't happened for while it's suggestable to restart and make your sure to check your internet.


R- Tools will also give you a admin prompt to install.

I hope you have accepted it.


Hope this helps : )

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @rick007 


If your issue is not fixed. Write a email to



I closed the window and now I can access Alteryx designer. However, am not sure what might not have been installed as i forced stopped the installation. 

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

I feel any software isn't completely installed unless you get the Finish button. 


You can go to Help tab > About to find out the version.


Hope this helps : )

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @rick007,


Probably if something isn't working correctly you will get some kind of errors sooner or later. In my opinion, installation was completed successfully if you have been able to run the tool.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @rick007 


Yup I agree with @Emil_Kos  if you are able access predective pallete it must have been installed. Do give that a check. Since you were upgrading to install R-Tools
