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Spatial objects - polygon

7 - Meteor

Hello -


I am trying to join lines (spatial objects) into a Polygon, however the two towns that I started with seem to overlap, even though they souldn't.


I attached the files that I am using - the administrative boundaries file is here (I couldn't attach to post):


Would be great if you can help!



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

hi @jasatt 


Could you please share your workflow as a package?


Go to Options > Export Workflow.

This way it will come with all the data.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

If you want to not worry about any overlap and stack them all together, you can use the Summarize and Formula tools. 


In the attached example solution, I used a Summarize tool: Add >Spatial > Combine. This creates a combined set of lines. I then used a spatial function in the formula tool (ST_CreatePolygon) to create a polygon object from that combination of lines.


@Thableaus I found the files he referenced and saved them as Text Inputs if you want to check them out. 























Is this the output you were looking for?

7 - Meteor

Hello -


The zip file is attached.


@CharlieS  - the output you showed me is great; the polygon is much more detailed than I had, but I need the boundaries.


FYI I only attached two towns; but I need to cover the whole island (which I am still working on).


Thanks for your help!

7 - Meteor

Thanks @CharlieS  - just grouped by town and the polygon is now perfect.


Thanks for your help!
