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Spaces Filled and Bytes Too Big for Flat File

8 - Asteroid

Hi Community !


I tried to search for Space Filled fields but it didn't come up with what I was looking for. 


I am using the .flat to output the data so that it can included the blank spaced fields, the fields are all width length, but run into an error.


Error: Output Data (34): The field "Field1" is too big (1073741823 bytes) for a flat file. The limit is 64K.


How can I fix this error?


And is there another way to space filled the fields when it output to .txt (.csv)?


If there is a fix for the bytes limit issue, then I may be sticking with using .flat as the output. My output have over 400 fields.


Thank you!

8 - Asteroid

Figured out how to fix this, in my workflow before the Output Tool, I have a Union Join tool, I added a Select Tool after Union Tool, this allow me to see the fields with big size, I then re-adjust the size to appropriately. And was able to Output as flat without any issue.
