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Sheet name doesn't match or Excel is Corrupt

8 - Asteroid

Most of the issues with this error message I see on existing posts are related to dynamic input, but I am trying to open a file with a normal input tool and getting this message that sheet name is not found or Excel file is corrupt. It is a publicly available file, so you can try it Reports and Files ( "Covered Entity Daily Report". When I drag it to my workflow, it shows Sheet1 but if I click the "Select a sheet" drop down, I get "no results found". Any way to open this file? It is a large file (250MB)

14 - Magnetar

There is something wrong with the way the file was generated. I was able to open it in Alteryx after opening in Excel then saving it.

8 - Asteroid

Yeah I was able to do the same. Since for whatever reason the issue seems to be with choosing the sheet, I am considering trying to do a dynamic input tool and force the sheet name to see if that works.

14 - Magnetar

I have tried that, forcing with Dynamic Input, no luck.

13 - Pulsar

hey @MemphLantAntonio I tried going the dynamic route but ended up with the same result because the dynamic tool throws a schema error. You may be able to force it through using a batch macro.


I agree with @gabrielvilella , the way the file was generated seems to be the problem.


You can open the file and resave it on your machine and this will clear the error.

5 - Atom

These excel files are not corrupt as Alteryx is complaining. The problem with Alteryx is that for "Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx)" option it is trying to read internal parts of Excel like workbook, sheets, assuming their elements will not have xml namespace suffixes.

So if the files are produced by such libraries like Microsoft's OpenXML SDK, ClosedXml etc, Alteryx will fail to import them with the above error.

Here is the internal workbook part of the excel file. Having a namespace suffix is completely valid and compliant with Open XML specifications, but unfortunately will not work in Alteryx.



This will work(suffixes removed), provided all other internal parts of the document do not have suffixes. 




5 - Atom

Thank you, your comment has helped me!
