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Sharepoint Tools: Address Sharepoint Site Via URL or ID

8 - Asteroid



I'm new to using the sharepoint tool and I've encountered this rather painful issue.  I installed sharepoint tools 2.1.0.  The good news is, it works!  The bad news is, I'm not sure how to get around this issue.  


When I plant the col on the canvas I go through configuration adding client id, secret, tenant id and go through authentication.  For this experiment I'm choosing the 'documents' route instead of the 'list' mode.  Everything is fine.  Then it comes time to point the tool at a sharepoint site.  There's a handy drop down list available.  Great. 


The trouble is:  

-My organization is apparently managing approximately eleventy million sharepoint sites making the list unpleasant to scroll through.    

-There seems to be some text searching ability but it appears less than effective.  This might be more of a function of the sheer volume of items.  


Interestingly, if I switch the tool to "list" mode and reconfigure identically, that gives you the option of specifying a list URL rather than having to mess with with a drop down list.  


I've kind of seen this issue before when I build workflows in PowerAutomate.  there's a drop down list which includes that giant list, but that development environment allows you to just paste in the site id or the url of the target site and therefore helping to get around the giant list.  


Is there similar functionality for me to provide a  URL to the sharepoint tool when in file mode? 




18 - Pollux

Talk to your rep - ask them to talk to the connectors team. Honestly - this should be like three lines of code. You shouldn't need a work around here.

8 - Asteroid

you think this is legit missing functionality?  

18 - Pollux

1) - I would connect one dummy site. I would add a macro output. I would connect an action tool. I would set my action tool to change the site's value in the Sharepoint tool. I would  Go to interface designer - and union by name. I would save this as SHAREPOINT INPUT MACRO or something. I would set the other fields of the sharepoint tool as needed.



I think your companies Sharepoint infra is outside of what was conceived in the tool. The tool is using selectors to choose a URL to pass into a Python tool (90% sure). You are saying "cut out the selector UI because I know the URL and just want to drop it in" - this is not changing the core processing of the Sharepoint tool - just how the parameter is being fed in. A few years ago you'd be able to open up and poke around the macro to prevent this and redesign it - now Alteryx won't let you. If a batch macro with an action tool to directly update the URL does not work I would tell your rep that this is what you need and your expectation is that this is what you need.
