Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Shared connection Strings

7 - Meteor

In the Alteryx Server platform(or gallery), connections can be established in the admin section of Gallery, enabling all authorized users to utilize them. Is it possible to replicate this functionality in Alteryx Designer without relying on Gallery or Server? Can connections be centrally created for universal access, ensuring that workflows retain intact connections for any user who accesses them?

13 - Pulsar

Setup the Connection string as an Alias and have each user create that Alias in their DCM settings.

7 - Meteor

Yes we had done that before gallery, but that would require each user to input the connection information  (host, service name, ect) Gallery was nice because as long as you had proper permissions you could sync up the connections needed. Without gallery, you cannot. I guess i was hoping for a master "alias" that everyone could have access to. 
