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Separating data in a single cell to multiple rows

6 - Meteoroid


I'm hoping to get help / ideas here. I have a table with some of the records in the table having multiple records within itself. The data is separated by line breaks.

At first, I thought it would be easy to do in Alteryx but I got stuck for hours now.

I attached the sample input and the desired output.


13 - Pulsar

Hi @bjprado16_spgi , here's how to do this. The key is to transpose your data so all the target cells are in one column, and then use the Text-To-Columns tool using \n as the delimiter. \n is the new-line character:

Screenshot 2023-07-18 133535.png

Hope this helps!

12 - Quasar

You can do this with the text to columns tool. Use the “Split to rows” option and set the delimiter to \n which indicates a new line.

20 - Arcturus

@bjprado16_spgi One way of doing this

Screenshot 2023-07-18 134028.png

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks everyone for the help! I didn't think of transforming the data that way. I tried the text to columns tool before but my problem was that it repeats the data from the other columns which is not I wanted.


Thanks again for the help!
