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Select multiple records in a Macro

8 - Asteroid



I need you help please.

I build a Macro that will able the user to select relevant permissions and show the employees with the selected permissions.

I could not find how the user can select \ record several permissions in 1 tool and not as I build (marked in yellow)


Thanks in advance 

12 - Quasar

That's a tricky question, see the workflow attached

8 - Asteroid

Thanks @dougperez  but I need the option to select the permission ID (e.g., 100, 101, 103) from the permission list (there are more the 50 permission IDs) via the macro.

12 - Quasar

Hello! Just replicate what I did to the "permission" and you will get into the result!

12 - Quasar

Sorry, I misunderstood
In that case you will need to follow one of these options:
- Use an external base with the IDs listed
- Place manually in a tool;
- Make a chained APP


See the "Manually" choice

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @sahartz 


Do the permissions change over time?


If not you can just include all 50 in the manual configuration section of the List Box tool in your macro.  

If they can change, you need to be able to read the list from an external source.  This can be a database or a file, but it needs to available to all the users of your macro.  The file can be a relative path so can supply a simple csv file.  Just provide the csv as well as the macro to your users


