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Seeking somehting similar to a VLOOKUP function

6 - Meteoroid

Hello all,

I am very new to Alteryz. I am attempting to accomplish the attached workflow but for multiple different columns all in one workflow. Each column's result needs to be independent of each other. Essentially, what I am looking to accomplish is that anytime a column (say column B) has a specific word (say "Yes") with an associated number (say #122) in column A, then anytime that associated number (#122) in column A appears again in the dataset, the value for column B in that row brings back "Yes".

I cannot list out each specific number that needs to be changed because my actual dataset is too large.

The attached workflow accomplishes this scenario for just one column, but I need to add other columns that will reference to column A as well.

Any help is appreciated!

12 - Quasar

Im a bit confused on how the multi-column setup should look.

Can you give an example input and expected output for a multi column example?

Doesnt need to be a workflow, just something like an excel or text file to give a good idea of what your input might look like and what the output should look like for that input.


6 - Meteoroid

Here are two columns that I would like changed in a workflow based on an associated number. Column B is based on a number and if "Yes" appears and column C is based on a number and if "Blue" appears.  Again, I can't list out the specific numbers I want changed because the dataset is way too large.


The highlights are what my desired results are.  The original workflow that I attached accomplishes this for column B, but I'm looking to create this again for column C.  I'd like it all in one output.


2023-11-17 16_30_38-Yes or No - Excel.png

13 - Pulsar

There are several ways of doing this. You can repeat your own method and just swap out which column and value you are looking for. I have put together another solution with Multi-Row tool and sorts:


12 - Quasar

I believe this will work. I may be overcomplicating it a bit, but it made sense to me while I was making it.  :)

I use dynamic replaces to dynamically create test formulas and then use those in another replace to then update the values.

You just need to add new column names and test values to the setup file when new ones occur.


13 - Pulsar

I also made a macro that does the same thing my workflow does!
