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Schedule workflow with parameters

5 - Atom

I have a flow that I would like to schedule via the gallery and run against two different environments, PROD and TEST, but want to use the same Alteryx flow. (I dont want to maintain two versions of the same flow, one for PROD and one for TEST)


Is there a way to schedule a workflow via the gallery and pass a parameter to the workflow?



5 - Atom

Yes, you can achieve this in Alteryx by using Workflow Parameters. Workflow Parameters allow you to create dynamic inputs that can be set when scheduling a workflow in the Alteryx Gallery. This way, you can pass different values for the parameters when running the workflow against different environments (e.g., PROD and TEST).

Here's a general outline of the steps to set up and use Workflow Parameters in Alteryx:

1)Define Workflow Parameters: Open your workflow in Alteryx Designer. In the Configuration window, go to the "Workflow Configuration" tab. Here, you can define parameters by clicking on the "Add" button in the "Workflow Constants" section.

For example, you might create a parameter named "Environment" with possible values "PROD" and "TEST."

2)Use Workflow Parameters in Tools: Within your workflow, you can reference these parameters in various tools by using the @ symbol followed by the parameter name. For example, you might use @Environment in a Filter tool to conditionally filter data based on the environment.

3)Save and Upload to Gallery: Save your workflow and upload it to the Alteryx Gallery.

4)Schedule the Workflow in Gallery: In the Alteryx Gallery, go to the workflow you uploaded. Click on "Options" and then "Schedule Workflow." In the scheduling window, you'll find an option to set parameter values. Set the value for the "Environment" parameter according to whether it's PROD or TEST.

For instance, if you set the parameter value to "PROD," the workflow will use "PROD" as the value for @Environment.

5)Schedule for TEST Environment: Similarly, you can schedule the same workflow for the TEST environment by creating another schedule and setting the parameter value to "TEST."

This way, you have a single version of the workflow, and you can run it against different environments by adjusting the parameter values when scheduling in the Gallery. This approach makes it easier to maintain and update your workflows without having separate versions for different environments.

5 - Atom

Thank you for this information! Much appreciated.  


When I go to schedule the workflow (item #4 in your instructions), I am not seeing an option to set parameter values when I schedule the workflow in the gallery.  Do you know why I would not have this option?


