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Salesforce Input Tool and List Runner Error

8 - Asteroid

Hello Community!  I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this error.  We pull a ton of data out of salesforce using the salesforce input tool.  I currently set up workflows that pull data out of each object that we use and then create YXDB files that can be used in downstream workflows.  This avoids having to use the SFDC input tool as it typically causes a delay each time you access it or open up a workflow with it in the canvas.


To make it easier I like to use the List Runner macro to run each workflow individually while being able to easily see which ones fail and might need to be re-run.  The problem is that when I put this on the server I keep getting a "{'error': 'invalid_grant', 'error_description': 'authentication failure'}" error.  I am able to run the workflows individually on the server just fine and they all have the "PythonAllowHideEncryption" registry fix.  Has anyone else encountered this issue?


Does anyone know if it would be better to do the following:


1. Create a python script that will run the workflows (like the command line tool) and have the server run them.

2. Use the command line tool and batch them through.

3. Use the server API and have the workflows stored on the server and tell the API to run them.


Are there any other good methods of running many workflows at once and being able to easily see which ones fail/succeed on the server? 


@Jon-Knepper the List Runner is only supported in Designer, not on Server. My first recommendation is to explore converting the workflow to a Batch Macro. You could pass the Salesforce object, or other variables into the macro through a Control Parameter, and they will execute one by one. Alternatively, you could leverage the Server API to create a job for each process.


I don't recommend using the Run Command tool as those processes will execute beyond the visibility of the Server. In other words, if you execute the workflow through the command line, the job initiated by the command will not have a log in the Server database/UI. Additionally, it would bypass the Server queue and can potentially cause issues on the Server machine.

8 - Asteroid



Thank you Matthew!  I tried making the salesforce tool a batch macro, but I kept receiving python errors.  Also some items would appear parsed and others would remain in JSON format.  Even when trying to parse it using Alteryx tools the result was different when parsed by the input tool itself.  Have you had success doing this with the latest Salesforce input tool?


We have a multi node server environment. I have also been testing the "{'error': 'invalid_grant', 'error_description': 'authentication failure'}" and noticed a something.  When I schedule all of my workflows individually and have them all run at the same time I receive this error on most of my workflows.  When I run them all from the gallery I don't receive this error at all.  I have been working with the server admin and we verified that all nodes have the "PythonAllowHideEncryption" registry fix, I did not get a chance to check the spelling on each, what else could be going on that I am missing?



@Jon-Knepper my initial thought is to verify that the version of the tool is consistent in Designer as well as each of the Server nodes. You can verify the installed versions in the %APPDATA%\Alteryx\Tools path. If this doesn't resolve the issue, I recommend opening a case with Alteryx Support:

8 - Asteroid



Thank you for your help Matthew!  The server information is super useful. 
