Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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SQL error in workflow downloaded from gallery

Hi All

i've inherited a workflow from someone no longer on my team and the SQL is erroring out in the designer. i downloaded the workflow from the gallery, they had an alias for the database it's pulling from that i had to correct to the location, but the SQL query does not run in designer for me, and it's just a generic "error opening <query>" - no elaboration. i confirmed i'm running the same version of designer as it was created in, and i know the workflow works because it runs in the gallery and outputs data on a daily basis. the SQL code runs fine in SQL server, so i don't think it's an issue with syntax. 


Any ideas? Thanks.


It does sound like it has to do with your database connection. Can you try using an OLEDB connection instead of ODBC to see if that fixes things? 

Hi Brandon,


I wasn't able to change to an OLEDB but you suggesting I do so led me to futz with the connections, and I was able to resolve. Thank you!
