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Runner CReW macro error message help

Bola de fuego

I want to run successive Alteryx workflows one after the other using the CReW Runner macro, but I get the error message below:


Runner (1) Tool #2: Failed to run external program "SupportingExes\AlteryxRunner.exe": The system cannot find the file specified. (2)


I have set up the location of the CReW macros under user settings in my Alteryx Designer. There seems to be no configuration for the macro other than navigating to the workflow to run. 


What other things should I look for as to why this macro is not working for me?




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Archaeopteryx 


Did you move the macros from the original folder? When you download the CReW macros, the installation include the macros and supporting files to go along with them. If you want to move the macros to a new location, be sure to move the supporting files too so they can operation as intended.


Otherwise, the issue may have to do with adding them into your user settings. I typically don't recommend using this feature as the user-specific alias system can do some unusual things with dependencies. We'll chat more if the macros were not moved from their original, working location. 

Bola de fuego

Hi, Thank you for the reply.


Yes, they were moved from there original location to a remote desktop location. ( I have a remote desktop license ). I had to have another instance because of where our SQL Server is located firewall-wise.


What is the best way I can go about having all the working files needed to make the crew macros work?


thank you,


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

That makes sense, I'm sure you'll be able to get them working there. 


- Copy the entire CReW folder to the new desktop and be sure it include the macros and supporting folders. The content should look something like this:




- Remove the macros from your user settings and add it to your workflow from this new file location. I typically recommend not using the feature of adding macros in your user settings as it can do some strange things to the dependencies of those macros. 


Once this is working, maybe test adding it back to your user settings and see if they're happy there. 

Bola de fuego

the SupportingExes folder was empty. I had to re-copy them over. Now the Runner works. Thank you.
