Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Run just one tool at a time (along with its preceeding tools)

8 - Asteroid

Dear team,

Can someone please help me to know if alteryx has the feature to run just one tool in a workflow (and all its preceeding tools if there are) instead of running all the tools till the end of the workflow each time. (on clicking the run button). I am finding it a little difficult to debug my workflow.



19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Priyanka_Ms 


While you're developing/debugging Containers are your best friend.  Select all the tools that follow the tool you're interested in, right-click on one of the selected ones and pick Add to New Container.  Click on blue square to collapse the container and disable all its controls






8 - Asteroid

Hi Marl,


Thankyou for the reply.

There is no error. I am just noticing how alteryx runs the workflows.



for example, In the above case if I add "Select 2" (or any other tool)  after my entire workflow is built (just do some cross checking or bug finding) and choose this tool (select 2) to run; I expect the workflow to just continue running from "text to column"; but what happens is that the entire workflow runs again till the end though there is no dependency upon them. This can be time consuming for large scale requirements.

May be I am missing to know some of the features of alteryx which can help here or if this is something we can request as an enhancement to the software.




8 - Asteroid

Hi Dan,


I just tried using a container and yes this helps 🙂


