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Round number to 2 decimal place

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


I have a pivot table using a cross tab that generates the following table below;


Trade EntityFO LocationOctober
Non - SG EntityNon-SG FO36309.35181
Non - SG EntitySG FO162383.7225


I need the final numbers under October to be rounded 2dp. Currently I have this applied "Round([October], 0.01)" in a formula tool which translates to the following table below


Trade EntityFO LocationOctoberTotal
Non - SG EntityNon-SG FO36309.3518136309.35
Non - SG EntitySG FO162383.7225162383.7



Ideally, I would like to avoid generating the "Total" category, and just leave the rounding under the "October" category, as this will not work if there is more than 1 month eg. October, September, November etc.


Any ideas guys?

13 - Pulsar

Hey @ZahinOsman,


You can either use the Multi-Column tool and use the rounding formula there

or transpose it, round then, and cross tab again to its original format. 

20 - Arcturus

@ZahinOsman use the multi-field tool

Screenshot 2023-07-17 075313.png

17 - Castor

Hi @ZahinOsman 


Have you tried the below Select tool with FixedDeimal option.




Screenshot 2023-07-17 122344.jpg


Screenshot 2023-07-17 122344.jpg

Many thanks

Shanker V

8 - Asteroid

@ShankerV @binuacs @FrederikE 


Thanks my friends, I have thought of this but I was just wondering if this will be automatically applied to other months? If not, how do we do that?


This report will not have fixed months. meaning some times there will be columns with October, November, and other months will be with October, November, January. I assume we will need to manually select the columns


20 - Arcturus

@ZahinOsman The Multi-Field tool is dynamic and will automatically assign the same logic to other months

8 - Asteroid

You are the savior they spoke about in the bible ❤️

14 - Magnetar

If you want to apply to all the Numeric Columns and that is dynamic
you can use multi field formula to achieve it.
Just Check Dynamic and Unknown Fields as well.

hope this helps.
