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Restricted Environment Error: \\One drive UNC Path...\ accesses a restricted directory.

6 - Meteoroid

Fetching the data from One Drive Folder & But when I publish the workflow it converts to some temp path, So I have followed these steps  made the Path as UNC &  tried Publishing to alteryx server again


as we can see in the same folder it has saved

Screenshot 2023-05-19 023937.jpg

But when it is published

this is the error I'm getting - 




not sure what I'm missing & where It's going wrong



8 - Asteroid

Hey there, I'm not sure if this is still a current issue but I wanted to respond since I had the same issue as well.

Make sure to replace the directory path in your output tool with a "."

So instead of "C:\......\(your file)" you cut everything in front of your file out so that it looks like this ".\(filename)"


Hope it helps!
