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Reporting Tool changing some numbers to text on export.

5 - Atom



I haven't found this issue in the database (or I didn't know how to search for it).


I mostly used the following process: 1) Inputting 2 sets of data 2) Running some processes on them 3) Exporting data + the outcome of the process in the same xlsx file along with some additional information using the reporting tool.


The reason I am using the reporting tool is because I sometimes want each sheet to have different formatting on certain rows or columns depending on data and I want to receive a pre-formatted file to save time.


After using it successfully for a while I noticed that in some columns which are "double" some of the output data on the column turns out as "text". The effect becomes worse with larger datasets. In this case you can observe what I mean in OUTPUT_DATASET.xlsx -> 4. SUBSYSTEM -> Column "11". If you filter there the bottom data shown are not numbers. First instance is observed in cell N1610.


In the workflow this column is "double" just before entering the render tool. If I try to export it directly to xlsx the data is normal (number).


Possible issues that I have considered: 

I am missing something or doing something wrong while table formating?

Is there some kind of limit on reporting tool or some kind of maximum memory issue?

Is there a problem with exporting using "," for decimal?

Is it some kind of bug? 



Thank you in advance

14 - Magnetar

hey @Nikos_Sousounis, I downloaded your workflow and files.

I don't seem to be getting the error you are indicating. My decimal places are decimal points "." and not commas ",". Perhaps this could be the reason?

Perhaps use Fixed Decimal (19,2) as the datatype for your numeric columns?


5 - Atom

Sorry if I confused you while trying to overexplain. Basically, it comes down to this:



Changing the fields to fixed decimals did not help.

14 - Magnetar

No, your explanation was perfectly clear @Nikos_Sousounis 


This is strange. I suspect it's something to do with Text Wrap in Excel. For the number columns, the Text Wrap is enabled (you can see this in the Excel File, in the output). That'd indicate that the cell is too small. Super strange but I think we need to edit the Render Tool's configuration to allow Wider Cells??


Screenshot 2023-07-20 142114.png

Screenshot 2023-07-20 142211.png


Whilst I think this 'fixes' the issue. Just consider that if numbers get really long, it might be worth using the 'Paper Size: Custom Size' option. 


Really interesting problem, hopefully that works for you now.


All the best,



5 - Atom

This worked. Thanks a lot. At least I can now try to adjust column width.


This does seem like a bug though. 

14 - Magnetar

@Nikos_Sousounis 100% this has to be a bug. 

