Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Remove Prefix

7 - Meteor

Hi, I am new to the community.


Have a question about prefix. Generally, the output file has the same Columns Headers to Alteryx Table. However, this morning I found that Alteryx has columns as " Name 1, Name 2, Name 3 ", however when I output the file to Excel, there is a " ' " in front of each string type data.


For example, new excel sheet has " 'Name 1, 'Name 2, 'Name 3 ". And I found all other cells have this " ' ".


Is there someone who could help with that? Is that some Default Setting things?


Thanks a lot.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hello and welcome to the Community!


The " ' " will be added as a prefix to string fields with numeric characters for Excel outputs. To remove the prefix from your field values, use a Select tool to format them as numeric field types.


Another thing to try: change your output to a .csv and then open that in Excel. This way, the Alteryx Excel driver won't add the " ' " for Excel, but the csv can be opened in Excel all the same. 

7 - Meteor

Thanks Charlie, Changing to CSV really works.
