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Regex Parse Question

6 - Meteoroid

I'm having difficulty trying to parse out fixed length columns from the 2nd half of a field.   The data is coming in non ideal format where the header is not aligned with the body.  I decided to address the header and body separately and union them back at the end, but am having a hard time getting the body to align the way I want.  There no data is represented by empty cells, which makes the use of /s+ difficult to utilize.   In the attached screenshot, the 200,000 should be in the AMOUNT column, while the 08 in PROD column and just blanks for the last 2 columns.    The length of the last 4 fields would be about 12,5,5,5 each.  Anyone with an idea of how to solve this?  ThanksAnnotation 2022-04-21 151128.png

14 - Magnetar

The sample data you have there is not enough to determine the correct length of each field. And this will be much easier to read as a fixed width file.
