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RegEx Certain Words

7 - Meteor

I have the below coming out of our database and I need to separate each phrase into a new column. 'Wants' is a common word to the start of each phrase so I have been trying RegEx to try and get the desired outcome.


Wants more details on this property Wants to view this property Wants an online viewing Wants more details on this property Wants to view this property



Wants more details on this property

Wants to view this property

Wants an online viewing

Wants more details on this property


Any advise on the expression to use would be appreciated. Thank you

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @tf05 


Here is how you can do it.




Hope this helps : )


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Happy to help : ) @tf05 

Cheers and have a nice day!

20 - Arcturus

@tf05 similar to @atcodedog05 solution but using regex tokenize



20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

@tf05 ,


In reviewing your post, I didn't see a solve that helped to explain the solution.  I've posted a YouTube video and will include a brief narrative here.

Essentially you want to list the demands (wants) included in your input as single asks.  For the sample data, each request starts with Wants.  But "certain words" leads me to thinking that there could be other text.  If we limit ourselves here to the string having a Capital letter to begin each sentence, we can parse the data.


I'll demonstrate a non-RegEx way to do this for "FIXED" strings.  I'll then move to how to get to the final solution via RegEx.  I'll use a TRIAL & ERROR approach.  Nothing is as easy as looking at a final solution, but knowing that it got there on a bumpy path might make you see that learning is something to share.


Here's the video followed by a picture followed by CHEERS 🍻 followed by a workflow.



Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

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22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @MarqueeCrew 


Noted, thanks for the improvement tip. I realized about this mistake after seeing @binuacs solution 😅
