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Reallocation Workflow

7 - Meteor

Hi Alteryx friends 🙂 I am stuck on a workflow and could really use some help from a member of this amazing community:


I have two excels:

One containing a market, a product and a few columns of financials



Germany - Phone - Net Sales £ 


The second excel is a table where I write assumptions of which market the data in the first excel was bought from. It links by joining "Germany" and "Phone" in excel 1 then vlookup into the second excel table to find "GermanyPhone" and return the market name I entered in the next column (for example "Poland").


The challenge I now have is that I need to allocate the data to two markets instead of just one, meaning I need to duplicate lines and apply a % to all the financial columns.


I am trying to build a workflow that will do the following:

1) In the scenario where the assumptions excel only has 1 match to the concatenation, then just put put the assumed market in excel 2 on all the matching rows in a column in excel 1

2) When there are two markets in the assumption excel that match the concat, to duplicate the lines in excel 1 and apply a % to each of the financial columns


Example Scenarios:


Excel 1: Germany - Phone -  £1

Assumption Excel: GermanyPhone is 100% allocated to Poland.

Output of workflow: Germany - Phone - £1 - Poland



Excel 1: Germany - Phone - £1

Assumption Excel: GermanyPhone is 40% Poland & 60% France

Output of workflow: 

Germany - Phone - £0.4 - Poland

Germany - Phone - £0.6 - France


Is it possible with alteryx? Any help would be really appreciated.

Of course I will up vote and mark as solution 🙂


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Samowens30,

I would gladly help you but I need a little bit more details.


Do you think it is possible that you will write down how exactly the first excel and second excel look like? 
I created a simple join workflow but I think I might miss something obvious:





Please review and tell me if this is what you wanted to achieve:





7 - Meteor

This worked perfectly, thank you!
