Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Random Out of Memory Error & Alteryx Shut Down

13 - Pulsar

I am randomly getting an out of memory error with an Alteryx window that pops up and forces me to close and save my open workflows to recovery.


My machine has 64GB of RAM.

Memory limit is set to 24GB in User Settings -- and Override System Settings is selected.

No tool in a workflow exceeds a few tens of MBs -- with two yxmd and two yxmc workflows open.


Any thoughts?


I appear to have the most recent version of Desktop Designer (admin).

13 - Pulsar

A little bit more...

I opened Task Manager and watched Alterxy's memory use.  It is under 700MB.

When it crashed Task Manager showed 1.6 to 1.8 GB.  That was after it had crashed, so the peak might have been higher, but not much higher (not 24GB higher).


Is it possible the Override System Setting is actually not being implemented?



19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @hellyars 


Some things to check

  • Watch Resource Monitor while your workflow is running focusing on the Working Set columns.  When you run a workflow a new Item will pop into the list called AlteryxEngineCmd.exe.  This is the process that is actually running your workflow.  It's transitory so may not even show up in Task Manager. 
  • Any other memory intensive programs open at the same time like Tableau Desktop, Chrome, etc?
  • Is there a macro imbedded in your main workflow that may be looping and generating a large intermediate result?

You can also open a ticket on the support page.  They should get back to you fairly quickly, depending on your level of support,


