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Primary Key Required for Update Option


Hi all,


I have an Alteryx workflow that reads data from one MySQL database, processes it, and then inserts to another MySQL database using the Output Data tool. I set the Output Options to Update; Insert if New, so that it will update the record, just in case it already exists. I kept getting this Primary Key Required for Update Option, so I defined the necessary primary keys. In MySQL, EACH primary key has to be unique. My keys are a combination, so I Googled and found that, to define multiple fields as unique, you have to add indexes, so I did. I don't think Alteryx recognizes this, though, as it is still looking for the keys.


Last time I addressed this, I added an update date which had a timestamp value, so that it was sure to be unique. Any other way I can do this without adding the timestamp?


I own the database it is written to so, I can make the necessary changes, if necessary.


Thank you.


I have started creating a unique record key for every row of data that I'm loading. This is done by concatenating each field together and then converting it to a hash using MD5_UNICODE([Record_Key]). I have attached the flow that I often use for this.


The upside is that I can use this key to identify whether a field has changed in a record (if you have another record key such as a unique ID).


Thank you very much, @chukleswk! Will have a look.


So no option of not adding a key, right?


If you've already created the table and set primary keys (even with multiple columns) Alteryx will recognize those columns as having keys. 


I built a test table using the following: SQL Primary Key and was able to get Alteryx to recognize both the ID and the lastname as a primary key:


