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Power BI Output Tool - Date Formats

5 - Atom



We are experiencing issues using the Power BI Output tool. We understand that Alteryx does not allow you to output fields in Alteryx Date formats to the Power BI Output tool. As such, we have to manually make the fields strings. However, when you export a data set to Power BI, you are unable to edit the data set whatsoever (all of these functions are grayed out and not available in Power BI online or desktop). Unfortunately, this renders the Power BI Output tool useless to us if we cannot create datetime filters within Power BI. Has anyone found a workaround to get dates successfully in date formats when using the Power BI Output tool? I see many community posts and youtube videos about this but have not come across a solution yet.



Parse error with Power Bi Output Tool - Alteryx Community

Power bi connector issues with data types - Alteryx Community

Alteryx - Power BI Output Tool Revisited! - YouTube


Please help!


5 - Atom

Agree with all the comments- Hoping someone creates a solution soon for this soon.  Not having a date field in Power BI for visuals and filtering is very limiting and frustrating...

9 - Comet

@MReplogle1At this point, the best thing to do is use Alteryx for data prep and transformation, output to a table or flat file, and use it as the Power BI data source. That connector is more trouble than it's worth. 
