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Parsing a field based on the number of white spaces

5 - Atom

Hi all, I am new to Regex and can normally use text to columns to work around having to formulate the expression- I am having trouble with text-to-columns with my current data and am giving Regex a shot.


I am trying parse 3 numeric values from a string that may vary in the amount of millions (100M, 10M, 1M, etc.) and may be below the 1M mark depending on the item. I am able to extract the first number in the dummy data below with the following regular expression:




The regular expression fails anytime the number to be returned is not in the 11,111,111,11 format. Ideally I would prefer to extract all three of these numbers and assume I could text to columns to separate these further.


Is there any way to extract everything to the right of the 4th white space after the date? [See dummy data below for example]


XXXX X08653 3.000 11/11/11 20,000,000.00 14,000,000.00 14,000,000.00



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @rbrown088 ,


One way to extract everything after the 4th space is by using (.*) that means you want to extract any character multiple times.

Also, if you want to separate each of the 3 numbers, you can use ([^\s]+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\s]+)

Which means you are getting everything you want but a space character repeated 3 times.


Let me know if that works for you.


Fernando Vizcaino 

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

@rbrown088 ,


I used this regular expression:



I also cleaned up the numbers to make them NUMBERS and not text (removed commas).





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Another way that you may get those numbers out is with the following expression:


This will look for:

  • at least 4 characters that are either digits or commas
  • then a decimal
  • followed by 2 digits

Normally you would include a RecordID beforehand, REGEX - Tokenise: Split to Rows, Tile for sequence.


If you need to explore any of the solutions in more detail, then you can play around with them at
