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Output to formatted template is causing mis oriented data

8 - Asteroid



as the subject line suggests, I am trying to output my data result into a pre-existing template.

I tried 2 ways, 1 was directly using output tool while preserving formatting.


And the other, tried using blob tool.


Both ways led to same outcome. On opening, dialog box appeared to repair the file and recover the data to open.


After opening, around 150 rows were correctly input. Then there were complete blank 25-30 rows, after that again, next set was pretty correctly input but that set overflowed outside of the table borders.


There are 270 rows and 230 columns in my data.


While normally, all 270 rows of data should have been 1 after the other without any overflow happening.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Can you share the sample data and your workflow if it is not sensitve data?
