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Outlook 365 help

8 - Asteroid

Hi Team,

I need your assistance on outlook tool 

1) where can i write the FROM  Address and specific SUBJECT in the tool ?

I need to grab and save  the latest email attachments having with the specific subject line and specific from address via email.

could you please explain me the process on how to extract the email attachment from outlook and save the same file in specific folder - Thanks in advance.






12 - Quasar

@Jaganmohan You can select the fields in the tool that you want to pass to your workflow, then you can use a Filter tool afterward to keep only what you want. I've done this in the past to bring in emails that were received within a certain datetime range ("CreatedDateTime" or "ReceivedDateTime") and also to bring in data from emails that are unread ("IsRead"=0). 


In this particular workflow, I'm looking for unread emails where the subject contains "Processing Complete" only because I don't want to process emails that I've already processed. This is my Filter expression.

Proc Complete Not Read.PNG
