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Outlook 365 Input Tool - email limit?

5 - Atom

I'm using the Outlook 365 Input Tool to query a large inbox. 


Rather than trying to pull back all emails (which takes a very long time) I've limited the query to things like received:“this week”  or received:“this month”.  When doing so, I am only getting a max of 260 emails back.  Is there a setting that can be updated to increase this? I can't find anything regarding a limitation for this.  Thanks! 


12 - Quasar

@jkohman I tested my email for this issue, but was able to bring in 2300+ emails. It took about 3.5 min. Maybe your issue has to do with the amount of data you're pulling in from your emails. It might make a difference for you if you're only choosing certain parts of your emails to bring into the workflow. I'm bringing in the default selections, which doesn't include Body.

Outlook Input.PNG

5 - Atom

@Prometheus Thanks! I tried limiting the selected fields to only keep CC, To, createdDateTime, sentDateTime  and when using the Search query 'Sent:last week' I'm still only getting 260 back.   I am able to run without the query to bring everything back, but it just takes a long time. 

12 - Quasar

@jkohman In the most recent use case I have for using this tool, I have it pulling from a subfolder I created so it's not looking at the entirety of the Inbox. Have you tried this?
