Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Open Chained Apps Dynamically

6 - Meteoroid

Is there a way to open a chained app based on an input?


For example, if the user selects "yes" from a dropdown, I would like to open App A, if they select "No" I would like it to open app B.


Please let me know if there are any solutions or workarounds to this. I'm relatively new to Analytic Apps!

13 - Pulsar

Hi @MotorolaMatt 


Not as far as i'm aware (although far more knowledgeable people than me may say otherwise!), as you have to set the app that runs next in the Interface Designer Properties itself.


You do have other choices though; is there any particular reason the two apps need to be separate workflows? For example you could include everything in one workflow and control the flow, and which 'section' of the workflow that runs based on the users selection via logic/containers in the workflow. The below posts may help:


I'd also strongly recommend having a look through the Alteryx Interactive Lessons, especially the ones on building analytical apps, if you haven't done so already -


There is another option that could be used if the workflows have to be separate, using the Run Command tool but you'd be applying a lot of the same logic as above to control which branch of the workflow ran.


Hope this helps!


6 - Meteoroid

Much appreciated David! I will look into these posts, as I think what you have suggested should suffice!
