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Only able the first file (file name in alphabet order) is loaded while using wildcard

5 - Atom

Hello everyone. I am trying to input several files with similar filename using one input tool. I am using wildcard in the file name. Also, I have checked the followings.


1. All the files are of the same format (.xlsx )

2. The sheets I want to load have the same sheet name

3. The sheets have the same number of fields

4. The directory of the folder is correct


However. when I load the data, only the first file (file name in alphabet order) is loaded.


For example, if I have AAA.xlsx and AAB.xlsx, only AAA.xlsx is loaded.


I have try to change the name of  AAA.xlsx into AAC.xlsx, this time only AAB.xlsx is loaded when I looked at the telescope connected to the input tool.

Could anyone give me some hints or solution to this problem? Thank you so much!

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @edp6e32 ,


On the results window what is the error or message you get? If it says something about different schema try the following:


Load the two files into a workflow and add a field info tool after each one. Then use a join tool to join both files, "AAA" and "AAB" on record position and check the differences between those files.


The names can be the same but if the data type is different for a field, for example, in one file you have a column as a date but in the other the column comes as a string then it will face that error and not join both files together.



5 - Atom

Hi afv2688. Thank you so much for your suggestion. I find the different schema warning and figure out that the columns have different datatype. in AAA, it is a string but in AAB, it is a double. I think that is because for AAB, the column is null for all rows, so the Alteryx pre-assign it a double datatype.


Since both AAA and AAB are automatically generated, for working in more file, it will be hard to delete the column manually. Should I fix this issue by using dynamic input tools?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @edp6e32 ,


Try using this instead. The only thing you would need to to is replace the "|||Sheetname" with the name of your actual sheet. Try it out and let me know.




