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Not zero??

7 - Meteor

Hi folks


I'm trying to build a workflow to show me variances between two data sets. It works in principle but when I filter on >0 i get the following where the message says 'The display value was rounded to 6 decimal places for clarity':




Excel output looks like this:



I've rounded both data sets to 2 decimal places earlier in the workflow so unsure what I'm not doing/doing wrong.



14 - Magnetar

@rogersm01 the excel output is showing that they are very small numbers. They aren't 0, although they are small! 

It's showing you the 0 with the red indicator to the top right because the number could be 0.000000001233 

but it's rounded it to 6 dp for clarity, i.e. 0.000000001233 -> 0 (it's just showing 0 on the surface, it's not the actual number in the background)


7 - Meteor

thanks - how do i get rid of them to only show the actual variances? Though, I guess I could filter to >=0.01. What I ideally wanted was was to bring back anything not zero in case any negative variances pop up
