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Not able to append and join data from Union tool

8 - Asteroid

Hi All, 


I am trying to join the files which has updates in HoC Update/Comments (column I) however, in column A  one of the records (# 8) are appearing twice and throwing off my calculations. Could you please help me a dynamic solution.

17 - Castor

Hi @SubbuSharma 


We don't have access to your excel files. Please export your workflow via Options>Export and attach the .yxzp file to share your inputs, assuming there is no confidential information in them. 

8 - Asteroid

Hi @Luke_C 

thank you, I am uploading the workflow here. These are only few documents that I am using to build a prototype however, is it good to use "Directory" if there are 20+ files and names are dynamic?

Kindly advice.  

17 - Castor

Hi @SubbuSharma 


Still don't have your files. Please export to yxzp as I mentioned above (assuming it is not PII/CI). 


Typically when you're importing a bunch of files and unioning them together that's an indication you'll want to use a directory tool followed by a batch macro or dynamic input. Take a look at this article:





8 - Asteroid

Hi @Luke_C 


Hope you had a great weekend. 

My apologies, have uploaded right attachments now. 

17 - Castor

Hi @SubbuSharma 


I'd suggest simplifying and using a wildcard input, it seems like that works for the files you provided (if you run into schema errors you'll need to look into a batch macro).




As far as record 8 duplicating, that's because it's across multiple files, it's not clear what logic you want to use to keep one record over another. 

8 - Asteroid

Hi @Luke_C 

Thank you.

Briefly, I am trying to build a workflow to consolidate 5/6 people's responses/inputs for their respective items. Many a times there may not be any input at all however, I should still be able to have respective rows in my consolidated file.

17 - Castor

Hi @SubbuSharma 


Understood, is the approach I suggested not doing that for you?

8 - Asteroid

Hi @Luke_C 


it's not picking the updates from one of the file for #8. Not sure what I am missing here. 

Thank you for your patience.

17 - Castor

I see, I can't seem to reproduce it with the data you've provided, all 6 records are being read from each file:



