Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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New Tools Not Recognizing Prior Fields

6 - Meteoroid

I just upgraded to Alteryx 11. In the prior version, when I would put down a new select tool it would already have the fields from the inputs ready to (de)select. However, now whenever I put down a new tool all I get is the Unknown field until I rerun the workflow. Am I missing a setting somewhere?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor



In your user settings, check under "Advanced" and see if "Disable Auto Configuration" is checked. An alternative option to rerunning the workflow is to just refresh (F5) to populate downstream tools.

7 - Meteor

Should "Disable Auto Configuration" be checked or not to rectify the error?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

If you would like fields to be automatically configured to connected tools, then you would uncheck that box. 

7 - Meteor

This has not helped my problem.  I keep receiving an "Error in ConnectNamedPipe The pipe is being closed"  I need help please.  I can create a workflow.


7 - Meteor

I am currently experiencing this issue.


The solution posted here to uncheck the Disable Auto Configure in User Settings does not resolve the issue. Closing and reopening Alteryx is also of no help.


Currently running 2020.2.3.27789

8 - Asteroid

I am having the same issue ...on version Version: 2022.1.1.42619.


And "Disable Auto configure" is unchecked.
