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Need to find file path of input tool

9 - Comet

I am working on troubleshooting a workflow for my org. I need to find a file being used downstream. But the file path is odd. How do i find this file.


File path: E:\Mapping\RI_Mapping\Gateways\%Question.ControlParam.Mapping Control Parameter%_Cost_Center_Mapping.xlsx

15 - Aurora

Are you talking about this part of the file name being "odd":    "%Question.ControlParam.Mapping Control Parameter%"?


Is the workflow actually a macro?  In the workflow that calls the macro, whatever value is specified when the macro is called.... that "value" then has "_Cost_Center_Mapping.xlsx" appended to the end.


Example: the macro's control parameter may ask "for the Excel input file for Cost Center Mapping, which prefix should be used?"





9 - Comet

Hi @ChrisTX ,


Yes, the workflow is a macro apart of a larger workflow. I have checked the mapping files and none of them match the format of the input data tool so I am not sure where this is coming from.

15 - Aurora

In the workflow and the macro, under configuration on the left, under the Runtime tab, click the checkbox for Show All Macro Messages.


When you run the full workflow, there should be a line in the log file that lists how many records were read and the full path for the input file name that was read.


