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Need to change the Start and end time In Increments of 30

8 - Asteroid



I want to update the Start and End time column based on condition :-

Start -


1) If we have minutes less then 30 minutes then we will reduce it to round of 00 minutes like


like - 16:15 will become 16:00 or 16:29 will become 16:00


2) If we have minutes more then 30 minutes then we will decrease it to 30 minutes.


like - 16:45 will become 16:30 or 16:53 will become 16:30

End -


1) If we have minutes less then 30 minutes then we will increase  it to round of 30 minutes like


 like - 16:15 to 16:30 or 16:29 to 16:30


2) If we have minutes more then 30 minutes then we will increase  it to 00 minutes.

Like - 16:45 to 17:00 or 16:59 to 17:00

I hope I have given some clarity let me know if further clarification required please help little bit tricky as the time metedata us also string.

Thank you so much :)


13 - Pulsar

@sgaryali check out this thread i think it answers you question!


Time Rounding - Alteryx Community

8 - Asteroid

@gautiergodard  no that is a different scenario.

17 - Castor

@sgaryali how do you get on with something like this? Basically just extracting the minutes, converting them to a number and applying the necessary checks, before then rounding them to the relevant value and - in the case of [End] - also increasing the hour by one if it needs rounding up:



19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Good job @DataNath 


You just missed the edge case where end is >=23:31.   Change your formula to this

IIF(!EndsWith([End], '00'),
IIF(ToNumber(Right([End], 2))<30,Left([End], 3)+'30',
IIF(ToNumber(Left([End],2))<23,ToString(ToNumber(Left([End], 2))+1)+':00','00:00')),[End])

To give a valid time of 00:00





17 - Castor

Ah of course @danilang - totally slipped my mind. Great spot thanks!
