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Need help with Skipping columns if not there

5 - Atom

I am trying to create a standardized Workflow where let's say I have 4 columns (A,B,C, and D). Some companies have data in all 4 columns and some companies only have data in column B and D. How do I create a workflow that allows me to ignore and continue in the workflow if Column A and D are missing?  Because later in the workflow, I do have formulas using columns A and D but if the column is missing then an error occurs. So I am trying to figure out a way to skip those formulas and have the workflow continue without it breaking every time and without me having to create multiple workflows for specific companies. I want to be able to create one workflow that I can use for all companies. 


Does that make sense?


Thanks in advance!


16 - Nebula

Hi @gtruong 


I believe that you can build a dummy header with the text input tool containing all possible headers (A, B, C, D), so even if the file does not contain the column, the formula will work.




5 - Atom

Thanks Felipe  for your idea. 
For my more information, Columns A-D were originally rows made into columns using the Cross Tab tool. Which tool would I use to say, If Column A is there then do nothing but if Column A is not there then create a Column A. Please let me know if that does not make sense.

13 - Pulsar

Hi @gtruong , here is a way of ensuring all headers are present:




16 - Nebula

Hi @gtruong 


It seems to me that you just need to do something like this. If the header from the text input is on your cross tab, it will do nothing, if it is missing it will create a column.




