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Need Assistance


Hi Team,


I need your guidance regarding the following task.






I have two excel files and I need to do v lookup comparison for both the files provided that I have one common reference column between those two files. I have designed a workflow for doing that in Alteryx Designer but I want to know whether this workflow can be pushed to an alteryx server and make this workflow to run periodically and update the values accordingly.


Task 2 :


Along with the vlookup comparison one more rule needs to be applied as if a specific new record in the excel file is not available the record must be added.


can anyone guide me with useful links or any feasible approaches for solving it.






16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @Karthik_7694 ,


Regarding your questions:


1.- If the excel files are available on a shared drive for example, the server would be able to get to it and do the compairsons, on the other side, if they are only available to you on your desktop no.


2.- You can use a join combined with an union tool to do this. Use Join to look for the data, if lookup table has new values take them from the right or left output (depending on how you have them connected) and add them to your table with an union.


If you would like an example I can create one quick for you




Hi afv2688, 




Did you mean as Google Drive or any share point link in case of a shared drive. So if the data set is not available by means of any shared drives such as (Sharepoint) we can't able to push the workflow to alteryx server.


If possible can you share me an example workflow and also can you share me any useful links whether how to push a workflow from alteryx designer to server.




16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @Karthik_7694 


Based on your description this is what I think you are looking for:




On this example, every new value you look for that was not before on the table will also be added.


By shared drives it can be Google drive, sharepoint, or a shared folder from a NAS or a server from your company. If the data is not available from the sever it wont be able to be executed.


