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Multi-Row Formula Group By & Sorting

9 - Comet

Experts - 


I am using the multi-row formula to partition data by 2 dimensions and then do a row count within each partition, i.e.:

IF ISNULL([Row-1:filter_partition]) 
ELSE [Row-1:filter_partition] + 1

I am grouping by the 2 dimensions in the multi-row formula.  Initially I put a sort tool before the multi-row to sort by those dimensions so "filter_partition" would calculate correctly, but I just noticed if I remove the sort tool it still calculates correctly.


I can only assume this is because the multi-row formula sorts the data as per the group by fields.  Can someone confirm?  It is not mentioned in the online documentation.


Thank you!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Yes grouping data in the Multi Row sorts data during the caculation of the tool. Users typically use a sort tool beforehand as they can see what order their data is in before it goes into the multi-row tool. 

9 - Comet

Thanks Joseph - any idea why this isn't included in the documentation?  It seems like a pretty fundamental feature of the tool, and eliminating the unnecessary pre-sort can have a big effect on performance when chugging large data sets.
