Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Matching cell data across columns and replace

5 - Atom

Hi, I'm very new to Alteryx and trying to write a workflow that will match test data across two table columns, and if they match, replace the data in one column with data from a third column. Is this even possible?


I essentially have an index of data that I've sorted and categorized, and I want to replace the old data with the new by matching old to old and replacing with corresponding new. Does this make sense? Would appreciate any help.

20 - Arcturus

@mjflynn03 Use the join tool - Join the matching columns, select the column you want in your output

5 - Atom

That doesn't work. The index is a unique list of the data in the original column which has repetitions. There's a new value for each unique value, so the matching columns are different lengths. Is there a workflow I can use that goes cell by cell and matches the data to test if it should be replaced?

8 - Asteroid

is the data set very large. Could you use a transpose columns to rows, then use a Find and Replace tool on the single column and then use a transpose rows to columns to put the data back into order. You will need to add a Record ID field so that the records dont get concatenated.
