Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Massive increase in size of workflow on conversion to analytical app



I have a workflow the size of the workflow is 709kb however, on converting it to an analytical app the workflow size increases to 261MB, slowing down the entire process.


has anyone faced this issue? what am i doing wrong


i have tried to resave the workflow as well but everytime i do it the same thing happens. any help would be really appreciated

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

When you run the workflow, opposed to using the wand,  the extra MetaInfo gets placed in the workflow itself by Designer.  if you don't save the workflow after that, the workflow won't increase in size.  When you run using the wand, the data passes through the workflow, but the metainfo inside the workflow doesn't change, so you don't get the file size increase




Currently the app is already created and there some changes to be made to the workflow.

1. If i make the change and use the wand to run the workflow the new change does not reflect eg: newly added select tool

2. If i run the workflow using the run button the new changes are working but i cannot save it as the size is going to increase


any thoughts or workaround for this
