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Mailchimp API Batch Operations

7 - Meteor

Hi! I've been able to successfully run Mailchimp API commands through a workflow on alteryx using the download tool. I would like to create batch API commands because I'm usually updating 1000s of emails at a time and would like to batch them instead of running a single API command for each.


Here is the Mailchimp documentation for batch operations, does this look like something that can be accomplished in Alteryx?

Run Async Requests with the Batch Endpoint Guide | Mailchimp Developer


I'm confused on how to format the data section of the code into Alteryx. Thanks in advance!

12 - Quasar

@ryannschuessler It sounds like a good use case for a batch macro. You could bring in your Request JSON string into a Formula tool then use the Control Parameter to input your email addresses that would replace "". Then you could put a Download tool after the Formula tool so it'll send your query to MailChimp for every email that passes through the tool. 

Formula For Batch.PNG

Replace Email.PNG
