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Joining 2 Excel Files and replacing one column with current output

8 - Asteroid

Hi All


This is easy to do in Excel, but I have 2 files and I want file 2 to replace the outcome in a column 


So the column Colleague ID does not change but the Full/Part time will change when I add file 2. I have tried several tools, join and replace but not getting the outcome - it maybe a simple selection on my end 



 Colleague IDFull/Part Time
File11234Full Time
 1235Full Time
 1236Part Time
 Colleague IDFull/Part Time
File 21234Part time
 1235Part time
 1236Full time
12 - Quasar

@Arkouda — Can you attach your files for input and desired output, both?


btw, "Find Replace" tool works with String data type(s) only... so try to change the data type of [Colleague ID] field to one the String types, in both tables.. it should work.

8 - Asteroid



Here is the source from 2 files and need them to merge into one but need the assignment category remapped updated with the 2nd source 


the outcome should be the outcome on the tab





22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Arkouda ,


Here is a workflow for the task.


Input : files given by you

Output : 





Hope this helps : )


If this post helps you please mark it as solution. And give a like if you dont mind : )

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Arkouda ,


Here is a workflow with Find & Replace




Both approaches are attached in the Workflow file.


Hope this helps : )


If this post helps you please mark it as solution. And give a like if you dont mind : )


8 - Asteroid

Hi Atcodedog05



Im not getting the the outcome results when I add the 2 source files together - take a look at the work flow i have attached 






22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Arkouda ,


Whats the issue i am getting the outcome similar to given by you. Can you mention with a snapshot whats the error.


Outcome given by you


Output from my workflow. Or are you using different data.

8 - Asteroid

it worked - thank you 

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Arkouda 


If it worked can you please mark the post and solution. And give a like if you don't mind 😀👍


Cheers and Happy Analysing 🙂
