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Join tool issue

6 - Meteoroid

Good morning,
I am new to Alterix, I am trying to make a simple join between two tables, but when I select:

- Left: I just appear all the fields of the Izquierda table without the fields I have selected in the Derecha table, but I want it is that I appear to me the columns of both tables.

- Join: I get all the fields from both tables. It works fine, but I need this in the Left option.

- Right: I only get all the fields of the Right table without the fields I have selected in the Left table.

I don't know what the problem is, can you help me?



11 - Bolide

The problem is that by default, the Join tool only outputs the columns that are selected in the Join Configuration window. So, if you only select the columns from the Left table, then the Join tool will only output those columns.

To get all the columns from both tables, you need to make sure that all the columns from the Right table are also selected in the Join Configuration window. You can do this by expanding the "Right" input in the Join Configuration window and selecting all the columns.

Once you have done this, the Join tool will output all the columns from both tables, regardless of which option you select (Left, Join, or Right).

Here are the steps in detail:

  1. Open the Join tool.
  2. Expand the "Right" input in the Join Configuration window.
  3. Select all the columns from the Right table.
  4. Click OK.
12 - Quasar

@karen_rodriguez1  -- i think you just need to union the results from the L/J/R together.


The L passes the non-matched items from left table so it will not create columns from the right table in there for you. (nor should it).  If you need both, just union the J and L together and you will get all the columns but the stuff from the L output will just be Null for those column's data.



12 - Quasar

@karen_rodriguez1  Here is a simple example of how to tie them together if you ultimately want the columns but not the actual joined results.



6 - Meteoroid

it works! thank you so much Daniel.

12 - Quasar

@karen_rodriguez1  -- awesome.  Glad I could help.  😁
