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Join Multiple Excel Tabs

5 - Atom

Hi there!


I have an excel file of 8 tabs, and I only need to use 5 of them. One of those tabs has identifiers that connects to all the other tabs. I need to join these all into one sheet, but I can't figure it out looking at the other solutions to questions like this.


For example, one tab has StudentID, TeacherID, ClubID, and SchoolID all in different columns. The other tabs go into detail about each of those separately. They are not identical, but I need to join all these tabs together! Please help 🙂

10 - Fireball

Hi @rose1 ,


While I am sure there is a more elegant MACRO solution, since this is only 5 tabs it may be worth using 5 input tools and 4 join tools to achieve your goal.  I'm not permitted to attach workflows from my work computer, but here's the approach I would recommend spelled out:


1.) Configure an Input Tool connecting to the primary tab that has all the identifiers

2.) Configure an Input Tool to the second desired tab

3.) Use a Join Tool to join these two inputs together

4.) Configure an Input Tool to the third desired tab

5.) Use a Join Tool to join the result of step 3 with the Input Tool from step 4

6.) Configure an Input Tool to the fourth desired tab

7.) Use a Join Tool to join the result of step 5 with the Input Tool from step 6

8.) Configure an Input Tool to the fifth desired tab

9.) Use a Join Tool to join the result of step 7 with the Input Tool from Step 8


The result of this last join tool will now contain all the five tabs joined together.  You can use a Select tool at the end to remove any duplicate or extra columns.



5 - Atom

@DQAUDIT That worked-thank you so much!!
